How I Got Here
I was born in 1952, and grew up in northern New Jersey (yes, that's me, age 2).
I have two younger brothers, Paul (who passed in 2015) and Richard (who lives in Alexandria, Virginia and is married to Alana Landey).
I graduated from Millburn High School in 1970 and
went to Carnegie-Mellon University back when there
was a hyphen between the words “Carnegie” and “Mellon.”
I earned a BS in Math (1974), MS in Computer Science (1976), and PhD in Computer Science (1978).
Then I went to work:
- 1978-1981: Bell Labs, Holmdel, New Jersey. Graphics research.
- 1981-1988: Schlumberger/Fairchild, Palo Alto, California.
VLSI CAD research (where I first wrote Electric).
- 1988-1996: Apple Computer, Cupertino, California. 3D graphics research.
- 1997: Electric Editor, Incorporated, Los Gatos, California. Vice President and Chief Technology Officer doing CAD development.
- 1998-1999: Interval Research, Palo Alto, California. VR Consultant and psychic research.
- 1999-2009: Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, California. Consultant until 2002, fulltime CAD research after that.
- 2010-2017: Oracle, Redwood Shores, California. CAD research.